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Sunday Mornings

Sunday services begin at 9:00am and 10:45am. You may want to arrive a few minutes early so we can meet you and show you around. But if you're in a rush, just grab a seat, and we'll catch up with you after service.


Feel free to drop by our connect table to pick up your guest gift, and help yourself to a cup of coffee in our lobby. 


Do you have children? Check them into our amazing Kids ministry, which is available for ages 1 yr - 5th grade. Kids ministry is available every Sunday except for the last Sunday of the month for family service. 


Parents with children in the service can take advantage of the nursery area. It has a window and sound allowing everyone to hear and see the message. 


In the service, you can expect praise and worship with a full band, followed by a relevant Bible-based message to encourage you in your relationship with God. 


Have questions or needs? One or our Serve Team members will happily assist you. 


Don't be concerned about what to wear. We are a casual church, so wear what makes you happy. 


We look forward to a great time with you! See you soon!

Join Us Sunday For Our Current Series
@9:00am and 10:45am

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